"The City of Memories" - European Cemetery Routes

The first Route of the Cemetery of Our Lady of Health is made up of approximately 150 years of history of the Cemetery and Cordoba. Because “City is Cemetery”, its history reflects society and its surroundings.

It is a journey through the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, through the memory of the cemetery, its art, its architecture and its famous people in all walks of life. A journey of about 55 minutes through “The City of Memories"

Cemetery of Our Lady of Health

The cemetery was first designed in 1804, during an epidemic of yellow fever, but the lack of economic means and the regression of the epidemic made the authorities withdraw. The construction of the cemetery was in compliance with the Decree issued in Madrid by José I Bonaparte dated March 4, 1809. These works began on October 29, 1810 and finished on June 8, 1811, costing 51.233 reales and 27 maravedises. After going through various vicissitudes, caused by political comings and goings during the reign of Fernando VII, it was consolidated as one of the stable and permanent cemeteries of the city from 1833. From this year on burials began in the cemetery. Inside the cemetery there are still some eclectic aesthetic pantheons, in various conditions, built in the last third of the nineteenth century. The combination of architecture, relieve and sculptures make up a plastic group where the aesthetics of late nineteenth century funerals can be seen.

European Cemetery Routes

He “European Cemetery Route”, proposed by the Association of Significant Cemeteries in Europe, has been awarded as a “Cultural Itinerary by the Council of Europe” given by the Cultural Committee of the Council of Europe. This proposal seeks to preserve and promote the heritage of European cemeteries, to raise public awareness of the importance of the mortuary places, both historically and artistically.

The “European Cemetery Route“ is conceived as a network of cemeteries, to show the important funerary heritage that exists in Europe. The itinerary offers a cultural product that combines history, art, memory and nature, to provide a complete overview of European cultural reality.


 Number of sepulchres: 27  | Approximate time: 55 min 


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